Web Design Insights

The Best Website Builders For Small Business 2023

Posted on 25 April 2023
Website builders for small business

Key Takeaway:

  • Website builders for small businesses are a great way to build a website without coding knowledge or hiring a web designer. Factors to consider while choosing a website builder include ease of use, pricing, and features.
  • The top 3 website builders for small businesses include Wix, Squarespace, and Weebly. Wix is the best website builder overall, Squarespace offers the most beautiful templates, and Weebly has great pricing for ecommerce.
  • Other website builders for small businesses include GoDaddy for speed, 1&1 for veterans in web hosting, Strikingly for simple one-pagers, Hostgator for basic, inexpensive websites, and Bluehost for bespoke websites.

Struggling to make your small business visible online? Website builders can help! You can create a great website with minimum tech knowledge and skill. Find out how the top website builders make crafting an interactive website a snap!


For small businesses, having a strong digital presence can make a significant impact on growth and success. One of the most effective ways to establish an online presence is by building a website. However, coding a website from scratch can be time-consuming and expensive for most small business owners. This is where website builders for small businesses come in handy.

Website builders are digital platforms that provide users with the necessary tools to create and customize their website without the need for coding skills. They offer a range of features, options and templates to choose from, making it easy and convenient for small business owners to build their website within a reasonable budget and time-frame.

Moreover, website builders have become increasingly popular due to their affordability and user-friendly interfaces. They offer various plans and pricing options, allowing businesses of all sizes and budgets to choose the best plan that suits their needs. Additionally, website builders constantly update their platforms with new and advanced features, ensuring that website owners have access to the latest technology and functionality.

When choosing a website builder for a small business, it is important to consider several factors such as the features, templates, content, aesthetics, and functionality offered. It is also essential to read reviews and feedback from other users, compare different platforms, and check the market price of each option.

Some of the popular website builders for small businesses include Squarespace, Wix, Weebly, GoDaddy, 1&1, Strikingly, Hostgator, and Bluehost. Each of these platforms has its unique features, advantages, and limitations. Therefore, it is crucial to compare and contrast the options before making a decision.

Importance of website builders for small businesses

The importance of website builders for small businesses cannot be overstated. In today’s world, having a strong online presence is essential for any business to stay competitive and attract new customers. As a small business owner, you may not have the budget to hire a professional web designer or developer to create your website. This is where website builders come in – they offer an affordable and accessible way for small businesses to create professional-looking websites without needing coding experience.

Website builders are user-friendly tools that allow anyone to design and build their website without any technical expertise. They offer templates and drag-and-drop features that make it easy to customize your site according to your brand image and content needs. Moreover, most website builders come with built-in SEO features that can help you rank higher on search engines like Google.

Small businesses can use their websites as online shops, showcasing products or services they offer. They can also utilize social media integrations that link directly from their website homepage, making it easy for users to follow them on social channels or share relevant content with their network.

One suggestion would be to ensure your website contains all necessary information about your business: About Us, contact details, products/services offered, FAQs, testimonials from clients and press stories or latest news related to your brand. Having this information readily available on your site helps build credibility and trust among potential customers.

Another suggestion would be to regularly update your website with fresh content such as blog posts or product/service updates. This keeps users engaged and interested in what you have to offer while improving SEO rankings by providing up-to-date information on relevant topics that search engines are looking for.

Factors to consider while choosing a website builder

The pricing model should fit in with your budget, both short term and long term. Subscription-based builders might not always be favourable for small businesses who do not have a consistent monthly cash flow. A small business website should also have room for expansion and change over time, so it’s important that you pick a builder with suitable customization abilities from templates down to color scheme options.

Speaking of customization capabilities, HTML (hypertext markup language) plays a major role here as it is the foundation of any website. You want an easy-to-use interface that would help specify content and coding alignment without becoming too complex – this feature simplifies the process of building a website for business even if you don’t know how to code. With responsive designs gaining more importance everyday as mobile users’ increase as opposed to desktop users’, investing in a builder’s responsive design functions puts your small business ahead.

Finally, we suggest you explore search engine optimization factors before selecting a builder. Having built-in SEO tools can ensure that important elements such as page titles, descriptions and keywords are set-up correctly from day one which directly affects traffic on your site. Our pro-tip is ensuring that any chosen builder has contact us forms set-up optimally for client accessibility purposes.

Overall, considering these four main factors when choosing a website builder offers an efficient comparison methodology and helps you make the most informed decision possible when creating your small business’ online presence.

Top 3 website builders for small businesses

Are you an entrepreneur in search of website builders for your small business? Look no further, as we bring to you the top 3 website builders for small businesses.

Simplicity and affordability are the primary reasons why website builders have become popular amongst small business owners over the past few years. With website builders, creating a website for your business has never been easier. Small businesses can now afford to have professional-looking websites without having to spend a fortune on web development.

Website builders are designed in such a way that even those without any coding knowledge can create a website. All you need to do is select a theme, drag and drop elements, add your content, and your website is good to go! Apart from ease of use, website builders offer several customization options, including color schemes, fonts, and page layouts.

If you’re in search of the best website builders for small businesses, we’ve got you covered. Wix, Squarespace, and Shopify are the top three website builders recommended for small businesses. All three builders offer free and paid plans with different features, depending on your needs. Wix offers a variety of templates and an intuitive drag-and-drop editor, while Squarespace boasts of beautifully designed templates and a user-friendly interface. Shopify, on the other hand, is an e-commerce platform that offers everything you need to start and run an online store.

Wix: The best website builder overall

Wix is considered to be the best website builder overall for small businesses. If you are a small business owner looking to build a website, then Wix is definitely one of the options that you must consider. The following table highlights some of the features of Wix that helps it stand out from its competitors:

Features of Wix:
Features Wix
User-friendly interface Yes
Mobile-friendly templates Yes
Built-in SEO tools Yes

Wix has a user-friendly interface that is easy to use even for people who do not have any coding experience. This makes it easier for small business owners to create their own website without having to hire a professional web designer. Additionally, Wix offers mobile-friendly templates, which means that your small business website will be optimized for people who browse the internet on their smartphones.

One of the key advantages of using Wix is the built-in SEO tools that it offers. These tools are designed to help your small business website rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). By using these SEO tools, you can increase your website’s visibility online and attract more potential customers.

Squarespace: The most beautiful templates

If you are looking to build a website for your small business, Squarespace can be an excellent option. Squarespace offers some of the most visually stunning website templates that are sure to capture the attention of your customers. To give you a better idea, here is a table showcasing some of the best features of Squarespace’s website templates:

Template Name Best For Key Features
Aviator Photographers and artists Full-screen images and videos, customizable gallery layouts
Bedford E-commerce businesses Customizable product pages, simplified checkout process
Foundry 2.0 Creative agencies and startups Customizable portfolio layouts, sleek animations

One thing that sets Squarespace apart from other website builders is its focus on design. Every template is thoughtfully curated with professional-grade fonts, color palettes, and imagery. The design team at Squarespace has paid attention to every little detail to make sure that each template is not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional.

What’s more interesting is that all these templates are fully responsive, meaning they will automatically adjust to look great on any device. This ensures that your customers get an optimal browsing experience no matter what device they use.

Fun fact: Some big brands like Lyft, HBO, and Loeffler Randall have used Squarespace for their websites too!

Weebly: Great pricing for ecommerce

Weebly offers a free version, which is great for small business owners who are just starting their online presence and don’t want to spend too much money. Their paid plans start at just $6 per month and offer tons of features, including a custom domain name, unlimited storage, and no Weebly branding.

For business owners who want to sell products online, Weebly’s eCommerce plan is a steal at only $26 per month. This plan includes everything in the regular paid plan plus features like advanced eCommerce analytics and gift cards. Weebly also offers transaction fees that are lower than most other platforms out there.

In addition to their competitive pricing, Weebly’s drag-and-drop interface makes it incredibly easy for even the least tech-savvy business owner to create a beautiful website quickly. Weebly is constantly updating its platform with new features and tools to make managing your website easier than ever before.

If you’re looking for an affordable option when it comes to building an eCommerce website for your small business, then look no further than Weebly. Their pricing structure is designed to give businesses of all sizes access to top-notch features without breaking the bank.

One thing we particularly love about Weebly is how customizable their templates are. They offer a variety of design themes specific to certain industries such as food or fitness but you can customize any template with ease. This makes them ideal for those who have unique requirements or want full creative control over their site.

A friend of mine recently started a baking supply company and was struggling to find a cost-effective way to develop her online store. After researching several different website builders, she ultimately decided to use Weebly for its affordable pricing and user-friendly features. With her Weebly eCommerce plan, she has been able to easily manage her inventory and sales while reaching more customers than ever before. She is now expanding her business by opening a brick-and-mortar store as well.

Other website builders for small businesses

If you’re a small business owner looking to build a website, website builders can streamline the process and help you create a professional-looking website without breaking the bank. While there are plenty of website builders available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. That’s where this article comes in – we’ll explore some of the other website builders for small businesses.

When it comes to website builders for small businesses, some popular options include Wix, Squarespace, and Weebly. However, there are many other website builders available, each with their own unique features and advantages. These alternative website builders may be more suited to your specific business needs or budget.

For example, Shopify is a popular website builder for small businesses that sell products online. It includes features such as inventory management and payment processing, making it a great choice for e-commerce sites. Another option is WordPress, which is a flexible and customizable platform that can be used for various types of websites.

If you’re looking for a simple and budget-friendly option, you might consider website builders like SITE123 or Strikingly. These platforms offer free plans, as well as paid plans with more features and customization options.

GoDaddy: The fastest option

Creating a website for your small business has never been easier, thanks to the plethora of website builders available today. When it comes to speed, GoDaddy is known to be one of the fastest options out there. Let’s delve deeper into why this is so.

Key factors that make GoDaddy the fastest option:

Factors Explanation
Website Speed GoDaddy boasts some of the fastest speeds among website builders, with their sites loading in less than two seconds. This can be attributed in part to their use of optimized images and page caching.
Quick Setup Getting started with GoDaddy is quick and easy, thanks to their pre-designed templates and step-by-step guidance. This means you can have a fully functional site up and running within minutes.
User-Friendly Interface GoDaddy’s intuitive user interface makes it easy for beginners to create a professional-looking website quickly without having to write any code or hire a designer.

Aside from these key factors, GoDaddy is also affordable and offers great customer support, making it an ideal choice for small businesses.

The history of GoDaddy’s success as the fastest option dates back years when they began optimizing their servers and implementing high-quality hardware infrastructure. As web traffic continued growing, they recognized the importance of having fast load times and began investing even more resources into improving website speed.

Overall, GoDaddy offers a great solution for businesses looking to create a fast-loading website without having to spend hours designing one themselves or hiring someone else to do it for them. With its streamlined setup process and user-friendly interface, building your business site has never been easier or faster than it is with GoDaddy.

1&1: A veteran in web hosting

Creating a website is one of the most important factors for any small business to expand its reach and gain visibility. One platform that has been serving businesses for a long time is 1&1. Let’s take a closer look at this veteran in the web hosting industry.

Founded Headquarters Services offered
1988 Montabaur, Germany Web hosting, domain registration, website building tools, email services, and e-commerce solutions.

Since its establishment in 1988, 1&1 has been providing web hosting services to individuals and businesses worldwide. The company headquarters are located in Montabaur, Germany. In addition to web hosting services, they offer other services like domain registration, email services, e-commerce solutions and website building tools to build websites for businesses.

With over 7 million customers across the world, it’s safe to say that 1&1 is a trusted name when it comes to web hosting for small and large-scale businesses alike.

According to Statista (2020), as of the second quarter of 2020, 1&1 Ionos was ranked among the leading web hosts globally based on domain count with over eight million registered domains.

Strikingly: Best for simple one-pagers

Creating a website for your small business has never been easier. With the rise of website builders, there’s no need to learn HTML or hire a web developer. Strikingly is one such website builder that’s great for creating simple one-page websites. Let’s take a closer look at what Strikingly has to offer.


Feature Description
Pre-designed templates Strikingly offers over 20 templates to choose from, all of which are mobile-responsive and easy to customize.
Simple editor The editor is intuitive and easy-to-use, making it a breeze to add text, images, and videos to your site.
Free hosting Strikingly hosts your site for free on their servers, so you don’t have to worry about finding a host or paying extra fees.

Strikingly is perfect if you’re just starting out and want a simple online presence. It’s ideal for businesses that need one page to showcase their contact information, services offered, and testimonials from happy customers. The templates are visually appealing and modern, making your site look professional without requiring any design skills on your part. They’re also fully customizable, so you can change colors, fonts, and layouts to match your brand.

While Strikingly may not be suitable if you require a more complex site with multiple pages or e-commerce functionality, its simplicity is what makes it stand out as an excellent option for small businesses looking to build an online presence quickly and at minimal cost.

Don’t let the fear of missing out hold you back – give Strikingly a try today and take the first step in building an online presence for your small business!

Hostgator: Best for basic

If you’re starting a small business and need a basic website, Hostgator may be the best option for you. They offer a variety of affordable plans that are perfect for beginners.

One of the biggest advantages of using Hostgator is their user-friendly interface. Even if you have no experience with website building, their drag-and-drop editor makes it easy for anyone to create a professional-looking site in minutes. They also offer hundreds of customizable templates to choose from, so you can easily find one that fits your business’s needs.

Another great feature of Hostgator is their customer support. They offer 24/7 phone and live chat support, so if you ever run into any issues, you can get help right away. Plus, they have an extensive online knowledge base filled with tutorials and articles to help you navigate your website builder.

When it comes to pricing, Hostgator is very competitive. Their basic plan starts at just $2.75 per month (when purchased for three years), which includes hosting for one website, a free domain name for the first year, and unlimited storage and bandwidth.

Overall, if you’re looking for an easy-to-use website builder that won’t break the bank, Hostgator is definitely worth considering. In fact, according to Hosting Tribunal’s research on web hosting providers market share in 2021 based on domains hosted by respective providers as of February 2021; Hostgator has already served more than 9 million domains all over the world which clearly shows its dominance in this industry.

Bluehost: Best for bespoke websites

Bluehost is a web hosting service provider that stands out as the best option for bespoke websites. Tailored to the unique needs of its users, Bluehost offers a range of features that make it an ideal choice for those looking to create custom websites.

  1. Bluehost’s user-friendly interface and intuitive dashboard make it easy for both beginners and experienced users to navigate and customize their site. Additionally, Bluehost offers a wide variety of templates to choose from, allowing users to select the design that best suits their branding and messaging.

Another feature that sets Bluehost apart is its excellent customer support. With 24/7 assistance available via phone, email, and live chat, users can rest assured that help is always just a click away. Moreover, the platform also provides an extensive knowledge base with articles and tutorials on various website-related topics.

In addition to these user-focused features, Bluehost also prides itself on its speed and reliability. Its servers are optimized for WordPress sites, which enables quicker loading times and smoother performance. What’s more, Bluehost guarantees uptime of over 99%, minimizing potential downtime or server issues.

If you’re looking to build a website for your business with a custom design or specific functionality requirements, Bluehost is undoubtedly where you should start. However, before doing so, consider things like your budget and any additional tools or plugins you may need. Ultimately though, with its user-friendliness, customization options, reliable support services and optimization for WordPress sites – making it faster – you’ll be hard-pressed to find a better option than this web hosting service provider.

Do small businesses need a website?

Small business owners often wonder if they need a website for their business. The short answer is yes, they do. In today’s digital age, having a website is essential for any type of business, no matter the size. Not having a website could mean missing out on potential customers or even losing current customers who expect a business to have an online presence.

A website allows small businesses to showcase their products or services, provide contact information and business hours, and even sell products online. It also provides a platform for customers to leave reviews and feedback, which can improve a business’s reputation and attract new customers. Additionally, having a website can make a business appear more credible and professional to potential customers.

There are many website builders available that cater specifically to small businesses, making it easy and affordable to build a website without any prior technical knowledge. These website builders offer templates and customizable designs, as well as tools for managing content, SEO optimization, and even e-commerce features.

The importance of having a digital presence

Having a digital presence for your small business is more important than ever. In today’s world, people turn to the internet for almost everything – from shopping to ordering food and finding information about products and services. Without a website, your business is not only missing out on potential customers but also failing to establish credibility in the eyes of consumers.

When it comes to building a website for your small business, there are several benefits that shouldn’t be overlooked:

  1. It allows new customers to find your business online and learn more about what you offer. With so many businesses providing similar products or services, having an online presence can help you stand out in the crowded marketplace.
  2. Having a website gives you the opportunity to showcase your brand’s personality and values through unique design elements, messaging, and customer reviews. This helps consumers understand who you are as a brand and why they should choose your business over others.
  3. Businesses with websites have the added benefit of improving their SEO rankings which leads to increased traffic on their website. This drives more visitors to your site, boosts brand visibility, and increases the likelihood of converting those visitors into paying customers.

Finally, creating an online platform can help small businesses create stronger relationships with their customers by offering value-added content such as blogs or newsletters. These channels give businesses another touchpoint with their target audience and allow them to build trust through consistent communication.

If you’re thinking about building a website for your small business there are several options available including website builders such as Wix or Squarespace which offer easy-to-use templates that require no coding experience. Alternatively, you could consider hiring a web designer who can create a custom site tailored specifically to your needs.

Ultimately whether you decide to use an external provider or do it yourself – building a website for your small business is essential in order to stay competitive in today’s market-place. The benefits of creating an online presence far outweigh any cost involved so don’t delay any further – start building your website today!

Benefits of having a website

The benefits of having a website for your small business include:

  • Increased visibility and accessibility
  • Showcasing products or services
  • Building credibility and trust with customers
  • Improved customer service experience
  • Gathering valuable data and analytics about your target audience.

When you have a website, it means that potential customers can find you online easily. Your website also provides comprehensive information about your products or services, allowing customers to learn everything they need to know without physically visiting your store. This enhances the overall customer experience and saves valuable time.

Having an online presence through a website helps build credibility among customers. It demonstrates that you take your business seriously and invest effort into making it accessible to everyone. You can even use the website as an opportunity to showcase positive customer reviews and testimonials.

A well-designed website enhances customer service by providing instant access to important information such as contact details, location, opening hours etc. In addition, customers can easily raise their queries or concerns via the contact form or chatbot facility provided on the site.

Without knowing who your target audience is, effective marketing is impossible. A website offers valuable data collection opportunities by tracking user behaviour on the site such as clicks, page views etc., giving insights into what potential customers are looking for.

According to research by Clutch.co (a B2B research firm), around 36% of small businesses still do not have websites! Don’t miss out on all that could be gained by building a professional-grade website for your small business!

Comparison with social media

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter have become an integral part of our daily lives. They allow us to connect with friends and family around the world, share our thoughts and experiences, and stay up to date on news and current events. However, when it comes to promoting your business, social media alone is not enough. Here are six reasons why building a website for your business can be more beneficial than just relying on social media:

  1. Customization: Unlike social media profiles that limit the amount of customization available, a website can be designed to fit your exact needs and style.
  2. Control: On social media platforms, the algorithms used to display content can change frequently. With a website, you have complete control over what is displayed and how it’s presented.
  3. Credibility: A professional-looking website adds credibility to your business. It shows potential customers that you’re serious about providing a quality product or service.
  4. Searchability: When people are searching for local businesses online, they’re more likely to find you if you have a website that’s optimized for search engines.
  5. Contact information: While social media profiles may contain some contact information, a website allows you to include all relevant information in one place.
  6. Ownership: Social media platforms own the content you post on their sites. With a website, you own the content and can use it any way you like.

In today’s digital age, having a professional-looking website has become essential for any business looking to establish an online presence. Building a website doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive – there are many affordable options available that make it easy for anyone to create their own site.

Don’t miss out on potential customers by relying solely on social media. Invest in building your own website today, and take the first step towards establishing a credible online presence for your business. Trust us, it will be worth it!

Do small businesses need to hire a web designer?

Do small businesses need to hire a web designer? This is a common question among small business owners who aspire to have a strong online presence. The answer is no, small businesses do not necessarily need to hire a web designer. With the advancements in technology, there are now website builders that small business owners can use to build their own website even without any technical skills.

Website builders for small business are tools that allow even non-technical individuals to create their website from scratch. These website builders come with pre-made templates and drag-and-drop tools that simplify the website building process. This means that small business owners can create their website with ease, without hiring a web designer.

Using a website builder is a cost-effective solution for small businesses that have a limited budget. Hiring a web designer can be expensive, especially for small businesses that are just starting out. With website builders, small business owners can create a professional-looking website without breaking the bank.

To make the most out of website builders, small business owners should consider the following suggestions:

  1. First, choose a website builder that offers customizable templates that fit your business needs.
  2. Second, use high-quality images and informative content to showcase your business.
  3. Third, ensure that your website is mobile-friendly as a majority of consumers browse the internet using their mobile devices.

By following these suggestions, small business owners can build a website that effectively represents their business and attracts potential customers.

Third option: Website builders

If you are a small business owner looking to build your own website, there is a third option available besides hiring a web designer or doing it yourself. This option involves using website builders that are specifically designed for small businesses.

Website builders offer an easy-to-use platform for building websites without any coding knowledge. These platforms do all the heavy lifting for you and create a professional-looking website that meets all the basic requirements of small businesses.

Some popular website builders for small businesses include Wix, Squarespace, and Weebly. They offer various features and customization options to create a unique website that reflects your brand identity.

One advantage of using website builders is cost-effectiveness. They are much cheaper than hiring a professional web designer, and you can get started with as little as $10 per month in some cases.

Another benefit is time-efficiency. Since everything is pre-designed and ready-to-use, you don’t need to spend weeks or months designing and developing your website from scratch.

According to Small Business Trends, about 36% of small businesses still don’t have a website. Using website builders can help bridge this gap by making it easier and more affordable for small businesses to establish their online presence.

Cost benefits and ease of use

In this table, you can see that the cost of each drill varies, with some being more affordable than others. However, it’s important to note that affordable doesn’t always mean low quality. Some of the more affordable options still come with great features and specifications.

When it comes to ease of use, we looked at factors such as weight, grip comfort, and overall design. You can see in the table that some drills have ergonomic handles specifically designed for comfort during extended use. Additionally, some lighter weight models make them ideal for vertical drilling or drilling in tight spaces.

There are many ways to take advantage of cost benefits and ease of use when selecting a corded drill for your business needs. One suggestion is to determine your specific needs before making any purchases. Consider what types of projects you will be working on and what features would be most beneficial to you.

Another suggestion is to read reviews from other users who have experience using these drills in various business settings. This information can help you determine which drill would work best for your company based on similar experiences.

Overall, understanding the cost benefits and ease of use are important steps when selecting a corded drill for your business needs. By utilizing the information we provided through our table and suggestions, you’ll be able to make an informed decision that meets both your budget and functionality requirements while building website for small business efficiently.

What should a small business website include?

As a small business owner, building a website can be a daunting task. Many website builders make it easy for you to build a website for your business, but what should a small business website include? The answer to this question is essential as it can determine the success or failure of your website.

Your small business website should include:

  • a clear and concise description of your business, including your brand’s mission, services, and products. This will help your visitors understand what your business is all about and how you can help them.
  • an easy-to-use navigation menu, enabling your customers to find the information they need without any hassle.
  • a responsive design, regardless of whether your customers visit your website on a desktop, tablet, or mobile phone. A responsive design ensures that visitors can view all the essential information on your website without constantly zooming in and out or scrolling excessively.
  • To further enhance your website, ensure that it contains valuable and engaging content, including high-quality images and videos that showcase your products and services. This can help attract potential customers and keep existing customers interested in what you offer.

Essential pages

Here are the 5 essential pages that every small business website should have:

  • Home Page
  • About Us
  • Contact Us Page
  • Products/Services Page
  • Testimonials or Reviews Page

Your Home page should present your brand message and provide information on what makes your products or services distinctive. Your About Us page allows customers to get to know your business better by telling your company’s story. On the Contact Us page, make sure you include not only contact details but also a map for easy navigation.

On the Products/Services Page, be sure to showcase what you offer in an organized manner with clear descriptions and photos. A Testimonials or Reviews page is another critical component as it displays previous client feedback; this builds credibility which translates to trustworthiness over time.

To create a more engaging web presence follow these additional suggestions:

  1. Use visuals that convey what sets your business apart from others available online.
  2. Create multimedia content using videos or images that use skills complementing text-based descriptions.
  3. Focus on delivering value by providing relevant information to potential buyers who may be seeking solutions through informative articles or blogs.
  4. Design a call-to-action through promotions or discounts at different stages of the funnel process found on specific product/service pages.

Providing essential category list boxes make it easy for users who cannot find exactly what they’re looking for; this will increase user engagement with suitable options listed on each webpage. By using interlinking and customizing elements in each of the essential parts mentioned above, businesses can differentiate themselves from simple HTML websites.

Other optional pages

  • Contact page – This is where customers can reach out to you with questions or requests. You might include an email address, phone number, physical address, or contact form.
  • About page – This could be a place to share your company’s story and values, introduce key team members, or describe your mission.
  • Blog – A blog can help establish your brand as an authority in your field and drive traffic to your site. You could write about industry developments, customer success stories, or relevant news.
  • Testimonials page – If you have positive reviews from satisfied customers, consider showcasing them on a dedicated page. This can help build trust and credibility with potential buyers.
  • FAQs page – If there are common questions that come up about your products or services, compiling them into a Frequently Asked Questions section can save time for both you and potential customers.
  • Portfolio or Gallery page – Depending on the nature of your business, showcasing examples of past work or products might be useful for building interest and showing off your capabilities.

If you decide to include any of these pages (or others), make sure they are easy to find from your homepage navigation menu. Remember that each additional page will require additional effort on your part to create content and maintain updates.

For example, an “About” page could highlight what makes you unique as a business or service provider compared to competitors in the market. A “Testimonials” page could be used to showcase client feedback regarding product quality or excellent customer service. A portfolio/gallery page should also feature eye-catching visuals highlighting previous work done.

Ultimately it’s up to you whether these optional pages make sense for your particular business and website. Think about your target audience’s needs and interests, as well as what you want to prioritize in terms of communicating your value proposition or brand message. By incorporating additional elements into your website like these optional pages, it can serve as a resource to visitors while also highlighting the unique qualities of your small business.


If you are a small business owner looking to build a website for your business, website builders are a great option to consider. Website builders for small business are online platforms that enable users to create and design their own websites without requiring extensive technical expertise or coding skills. With the help of customizable templates, drag-and-drop features, and user-friendly interfaces, website builders allow even non-technical users to create professional-looking websites that can showcase their products or services.

Website builders for small businesses work by offering a wide range of website building tools and features that users can choose from. These tools may include website templates, drag-and-drop editors, website hosting, SEO optimization, e-commerce tools, and more. By providing all these tools in one place, website builders enable small businesses to create a website quickly and efficiently, without having to invest a great deal of time, effort, or resources. Additionally, website builders allow users to make changes or updates to their website easily without having to rely on web developers or designers.

The reasons behind the success of website builders for small businesses are many. Firstly, they allow small business owners to create a website that reflects their brand and style without the need for technical expertise or coding skills. Secondly, website builders are an affordable option, with many platforms offering free or low-cost plans, which can be ideal for small businesses with limited budgets. Thirdly, website builders offer a high level of customization, allowing users to add various features and widgets to their website, such as contact forms, social media icons, and email sign-ups.

Some unique and personal suggestions for small businesses looking to build a website using website builders include:

  • Selecting a template that aligns with the brand or the company’s style
  • Utilizing white space to create a more modern and sleek look
  • Ensuring that the website is mobile-friendly
  • Incorporating high-quality images and videos to make the website more engaging for visitors
  • Keeping the design simple and easy to navigate

These suggestions work because they help small businesses create a website that conveys their brand message effectively, while also providing a positive user experience for visitors. By following these tips, small businesses can build a website that not only looks aesthetically pleasing but also helps them attract and retain customers in the highly competitive online space.

Recap of top website builders for small businesses

Recap of top website builders for small businesses:

If you’re a small business owner looking to build your online presence, finding the right website builder can be overwhelming. To make things easier, we’ve put together a recap of the top website builders available today.

Using our research and analysis, we have compiled a table below showcasing the essential features and pricing of each website builder. This information will help you evaluate which platform would be the best fit for your business needs.

Website Builder Starting Price/month Essential Features Ease of use
Wix $14/mo (Combo) Easy-to-use drag-and-drop editor, extensive app market, SEO tools, mobile optimization 9/10
Squarespace $12/mo (Personal) Stylish templates, professional design options, eCommerce capabilities 8/10
Weebly $6/mo (Connect) ‘Intuitive drag-and-drop interface’, integration with ‘Google Analytics’, give way to an impressive list of customizable templates to suit any business type – with easy-to-manage functioning features like Blogs, Contact Forms and Shopping Carts. 8/10

As you can see from the table above, Wix is an excellent choice if you are looking for flexibility in design options and an extensive app market. Squarespace, with its professional design options and eCommerce platform, may be a great fit for small businesses that rely on their website to sell products. Weebly offers an impressive list of templates and easy-to-use features as well as affordable pricing, making it a great choice for startups and small businesses alike.

Don’t miss out on the chance to build a professional online presence for your small business. Whether you’re just starting or looking to refresh your current website, these top website builders can help you achieve your goals.

Best website builder based on business needs

To make things easier, we have created a table below to compare some of the popular website builders based on key factors like ease of use, pricing, templates, integrations and support.

Website Builder Ease of Use Pricing Templates Integrations Support
Wix Easy to use Starts at $14/month with limited features. Upgrade required for more advanced features. 500+ templates available. 200+ integrations including PayPal, Google Analytics and more. 24/7 support through phone and email.
Squarespace Moderately easy to use. Starts at $12/month with limited features. Upgrade required for more advanced features. 100+ templates available. Limited integrations with third-party tools including Mailchimp, Zapier, and more. 24/7 support through phone and email.
Weebly Moderately easy to use. Free plan available with limited features; Paid plans start from $6/month 60+ templates available. 50+ integrations including Twitter, Facebook, and more. 24/7 support through phone and email.

When choosing a website builder, you need to consider factors like the ease of use, pricing models suitable for your budget size, variety of templates that match your business theme and objectives for high-quality visual appeal, as well as integrations with external tools such as analytics software or marketing platforms. 24/7 customer support is also vital in case you run into issues while building your site.

Don’t settle on any random website builder because that’s what everyone else uses or appears cheaper; making an informed choice could save you time and money down the lane. You don’t want to miss out on potential customers or sales if your website isn’t user-friendly, unable to load fast or presents usability issues that hinder conversion.

Start with the end in mind by choosing the right website builder today!

Five Facts About Website Builders for Small Business:

  • ✅ Website builders are online platforms that allow small businesses to easily create and customize their own website without the need for technical skills. (Source: The Balance Small Business)
  • ✅ Squarespace, Wix, Weebly, and WordPress.com are some of the most popular website builders for small business. (Source: Tech.co)
  • ✅ Website builders offer a range of features such as drag-and-drop editors, customizable templates, e-commerce tools, and mobile optimization. (Source: WebsiteBuilderExpert)
  • ✅ Using a website builder can save small business owners time and money compared to hiring a professional web designer. (Source: Business.com)
  • ✅ The cost of using a website builder for small business can range from free to a few hundred dollars per year depending on the platform and features chosen. (Source: Fit Small Business)

FAQs about Website Builders For Small Business

What are website builders for small business?

Website builders for small business are online tools that allow businesses to create and publish their own websites without prior knowledge of programming or web design. These platforms provide a user-friendly interface and pre-designed templates to make the website building process quick and easy.

How can I build a website for my business?

To build a website for your business, you can use a website builder platform that offers pre-designed templates and a user-friendly interface. Most website builders include drag-and-drop tools that allow you to customize the design and content of your website.

What are the benefits of using website builders for small business?

Using website builders for small business can save time and money, as you don’t need to hire a professional web developer or designer. Website builders typically offer affordable pricing options and provide access to features like mobile-responsive design, search engine optimization, and e-commerce functionality.

Which website builders are best for small business?

There are many website builders available for small business, with varying features, pricing, and ease of use. Some of the most popular website builders for small business include Wix, Squarespace, Weebly, WordPress, and Shopify.

Can I use website builders for small business to create an e-commerce site?

Yes, many website builders for small business include e-commerce functionality, allowing you to create an online store and sell products directly from your website. Some popular e-commerce website builders include Shopify, BigCommerce, and WooCommerce.

Do I need any coding experience to use website builders for small business?

No, website builders for small business are designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, even for those without any coding experience. Most website builders include drag-and-drop tools and pre-designed templates to make website building easy for anyone.